FOUND.- Purse with small sum of money. Apply 896 Main street.
THERE will be no lecture in Fine Arts 3, today.
C. E. NORTON.SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Principals at 1.30; Chorus at 6.30; Please come promptly.
FINANCE CLUB.- Meeting tonight at 7.30, in U. 13. Mr. E. J. Rich will speak on "Overproduction."
C. A. BUNKER, Sec.There will be a meeting of the Harvard Electric Club at 5 Felton Hall, Wednesday evening, 7.30 sharp. Imprortant business.
L. K. PEROT. Sec.THE secretary and the treasurer of the Exeter Club will be in Matthews 3, first floor, north entry, from 10 to 12 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, March 12 and 13, to receive signatures to the constitution. It is desirable that all members of the Exeter Club sign the constitution on those days.
H. U. B. B. C.- Season tickets will be for sale on March 21st and 28th and April 11th (Thursday.) The treasurer will be at Memorial Hall from 12 to 2 on these days. No tickets will be sold except on those days and no other season tickets will be issued.
J. C. McCOY, Manager.The following men will please have their class photograps taken this week-Allison, Babbitt, Bailey, Barrett, Bartholow, Basset, Batchelder, Bent, A. C., Brewster, Brodhead, Burbank, Burrows, Butters, W. H., Butterworth, Chittenden, Cobb, Codman, Craven, Crowl, Trafford, Davis, Prescott, Hunneman, Sears, J. H., Keyes.
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