Twenty men, representing the CRIMSON, Advocate, Lampoon and the Monthly, met last evening to make arrangements for a dinner of the editors of the four college papers. Mr. Cobb, president of the CRIMSON presided and opened the meeting by stating the reasons for the dinner, and asked the opinion of the men present, as to the advisability of the holding the dinner By a unaimous vote it was decided to bold the dinner, and the business of elections was then taken up. A committee, consisting of the presidents of the four college papers, Messrs. Wardner, Dennison, Dodge and Cobb, was elected to take charge of the details, and it was voted to leave the time and place of the dinner to their discretion. It was also voted that only the present active editors of the papers should be eligible to attend the dinner.
Mr. Wardner, president of the Advocate, was unanimously elected president, and Mr. Dennison, president of the Lampoon, toastmaster. For poet there were two nominations, Mr. Parker, of the Monthly, and Mr. Gould, of the Lampoon; the former was elected. Mr. Cobb, president of the CRIMSON, was elected orator, and of the two nominees for chorister, Mr. Falukner, of the CRIMSON, and Mr. Atkinson, of the Lampoon, Mr. Faulkner was elected. It was suggested to the committee that the dinner should be held the last of next week or the first of the week following. As there was no more business to be transacted, the meeting adjourned, everyone being very much pleased at the interest shown in the matter and the unanimity with which the officers were chosen.
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