The second meeting of the Exeter Club was held last night in Sever 5. The meeting was an important one in that a constitution was adopted, and officers elected for the remainder of the year. The constitution adopted is not at all elaborate, and the simplicity of its form should prevent many complications from arising in the running of the club. The objects of the club are to give a cordial welcome to Exeter men entering Harvard, to unite more closely the Exeter men already in Harvard, and to create an increased interest in Harvard at Exeter. The constitution provides for meeting once a month and for a dinner at least once a year. Anyone connected with Harvard University, who has been a member of Exeter, is eligible for membership in the club. Provision was made for the election of honorary members. The officers of the club consist of a president, to be elected from the senior class, a vice-president from the junior class, a secretary, a treasurer, and a governing committee, consisting of one man from the law school and one from each class. The last business of the club was the election of the following officers: President, J. M. Marvin, '89; vice-president, R. R. Endicott, '90; secretary, F. S. Duncan, '90; treasurer, S. C. Manley. '89; governing committee, B. W. Palmer, L. S., T. Woodbury, '89, M. W. Mather, '90, W. J. Farquhar, '91, T. W. Lamont, '92.
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