

ALL those interested, as graduates, or at any time members of Phillips Exeter Academy, will please meet in my room, 9 Linden street, the Wednesday night after the mid-years close, Feb. 13, at 7.30 o'clock. THORNTON WOODBURY.

JUNIOR DINNER.- The junior dinner will take place at the Parker House on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 19. Book for signatures at Leavitt's. Men should sign as soon as possible.

COMMITTEE.THE freshman nine will not practice this afternoon nor any Saturday afternoon afterward at the gymnasium till further notice.

C. W. CADY.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal in Roberts Hall, Monday evening at 7.30 p. m. All members must be present.

W. F. GAY, Secretary.NOTICE TO SENIORS.- Men seem to think that it is enough if they have their photographs taken any time before Class Day. The Committee wish they would get over this idea at once. To have the work satisfactory, every picture should be taken before the April recess.


