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It is rather hard to understand why, from a class of over three hundred, only ten men have presented themselves as candidates for the tug-of-war team. It may be that the men do not realize how much interest is taken in the tug-of-war contests at the winter meetings that in these contests class feeling finds expression as at no other time, except at the class races in May. Rope and anchor work are not hard to learn, and it only requires practice to make any ordinarily strong man serviceable on a tug-of-war team. If Ninety-two is to make any kind of a showing at the winter meeting more men must try for this team, and at once. Class feeling must be weak indeed among the freshmen if the interest taken in the success of the tug-of-war contest can be taken as evidence. We hope to see more men begin work with the team immediately so that Ninety-two will be at least strong enough not to be pulled off the cleats at the winter meeting.
