
The Advocate.

The new number of the Advocate is a thoroughly interesting one. Several of the stories are written upon harrowing themes, but are relieved by their humor and the sober tone of "The Week" and "Topics of the Day." The first of the editorials discusses the recent vote of the overseers. It points out vigorously but moderately the fallacies upon which this action is based. While combating the proposed restrictions upon absences and choice of electives, and the provisions to have more frequent examinations, and "guardian angels for the whole freshman class," it supports the effort to secure more regular attendance at recitations. It condemns the vote as based on outside opinion rather than investigation, and as "a levelling down to a lazy man, a reduction of the standard in education. Even the most moderate of the restrictions, that upon attendance, is shown to be unnecessary under the present rules of the college. The plan of forming an Economical Club is criticized in the second editorial as uncalled for. As a substitute, a reading room under supervision of the college authorities is suggested. The editorials are more vigorous than polished.

"In a Crematory," is a story relating the experience of a victim prematurely given up for dead.

The feelings of a man happily situated in college life, but not fully satisfied with himself, are described in "A Study in Happiness," under "Topics of the Day." The author describes his gloomy memories of unfortunate actions, and doubts as to the general success of his life. He concludes, however, that he is really happy, and that "even though ignorance be bliss, it is by no means folly to be wise."

"Mrs. Lawnette and Barney" is a powerful story of a lad on the verge of insanity and his effort to protect his benefactress from his own violence.

The last contribution, "Is there a Difference?" treats of the woman's rights question from a humorous point of view. The dialogue has the chatty and rambling nature of that of an afternoon call, but is not wholly natural at times.


The verses of this number are not of a high standard. The second piece is a good take-off on the first as well on "nine-tenths of our poetry." The number closes with the usual book reviews and "The Advocate's Brief."
