
Princeton Letter.

PRINCETON, N. J., Feb. 2, 1889.

Editors Daily Crimson:

The mild weather of the last two weeks has brought out a few of the lacrosse men for out-door practice, but this has been lately succeeded by a colder spell, so nothing of importance has been accomplished. Considerable interest has been awakened in lacrosse by the winning of the championship last spring and by the exciting and closely contested class series in the fall. Of course every effort possible will be made to retain the championship in this branch of athletics, though it will be a difficult task to win from such teams as our rivals are preparing to put in the field next spring.

The make-up of the nine is still an uncertainty. Some twenty men are trying for positions, among them several who played regularly or as substitutes last year. About six of the nine can be named with considerable degree of certainty, but the other places will be warmly contested. The candidates are now practicing in two squads, one of which has the gymnasium as its base of operations, the other occupying Mercer Hall, where a court for handball practice has been fitted up.

Invitations and preliminary dance cards are out for the junior promenade which takes place on the evening of February 15. The affair promises to be a great success and will be largely attended. The committee for the promenade is the same one that had charge of the sophomore reception given in honor of the senior class last June. The Glee Club will give their first Princeton concert of the year on the same evening, before the promenade. The Dramatic Association will give their next play about the middle of March. They will present another "Old Heads and Young Hearts," during third term.

The preliminary junior orator contests took place last week in the halls, "Clio" and "Whig," and the following men were successful: Whig-K. L. Ames, Illinois; J. J. Charlton, Oregon; E. B. Baxter, Georgia; Frank Palmer, Maine. Clio-T. F. Chambers, D. C.; H. W. Merchant, New York; C, B. Williams, New York; J. M. Yeable, Penn. The final contest between these eight speakers takes place during Commencement week.


Thursday last was observed by Princeton as the Day of Prayer for Colleges. No recitations were held

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