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during the afternoon, and there were services in the College Chapel in both afternoon and evening. Dr. John Hall of New York delivered both the addresses.
The scientific expedition to the Bad Lands of Oregon next summer promises to be very successful. The expedition will be under the charge of Professor Scott, and will be limited in number to eight men, these to be chosen by competitive examination from the upper classes. There will probably be about twenty men take the examination. The object of the expedition is, primarily, the collection of fossil skeletons for the museum, and incidentally, the gathering of specimens pertaining to other branches of science. Professor Scott has already made five trips to the West for a similar purpose.
Professor Sloane represented the college at the recent alumni meeting in Chicago. President Patten was present at the annual meeting of the alumni of the District of Columbia yesterday. Professor Johnston is still confined to his house, and is not yet able to take charge of his classes. The site chosen for the new dormitory is the ground between Edwards Hali and the new Art building. The plans by Mr. Page, the architect of the Art School, have been accepted. By a recent action of the faculty, the gymnasium will be open all day. Heretofore it has been greatly crowded during the few hours it has been open daily.
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Judge Hoar's Funeral.