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The report of the college librarian, published in part in another column, shows the large addition which has been made during the past year to the library, and the extent to which the books in the library are used. It must be regarded as a cause for gratification to learn that with each succeeding year the number of men who make use of the college library is growing larger and larger. There are probably few, however, who know that in connection with Gore Hall there are ten subsidiary libraries, established for the benefit and convenience of students taking special courses in college, which are in general use. The duty of cataloguing the new books, and of adding a host of old ones to the authors' lists, is indeed an arduous one, and Mr. Winsor has accomplished a task which will doubtless bring him well-deserved thanks. But still the library, perfect as it now is sorely in need of one thing which will render it of more importance than ever electric lights. These we hope to see put in shortly, and we have good ground for believing that, in this respect, our wishes will be gratified.
