
Fact and Rumor.

The annual dinner of the Delta Kappa Epsilon alumni of New England will take place at the Parker House, Tuesday evening, Feb 12.

J. B. Paine, '91, is designing another sloop.

S. Paine, '90, is expected to return to college, March 10.

The steam-heating apparatus has already been placed in Hastings Hall.

The Yale News is making an effort to have the Yale library opened on Sundays.


The Williams College alumni held their annual dinner in New York last Thursday.

The semi-annual meeting of the CRIMSON Board will be held today at 1.30. Very important.

The Phillips Andover Glee and Banjo Club gave its first concert of the year at Lawrence on Saturday.

The Chess and Whist Club, whose membership is limited to sixty, has nineteen men on the waiting list.

At Williams it is customary for the scorer of one year's nine to become manager of the next year's team.

The Yale Sheffield freshmen have selected as a class cane a natural stick with an etched silver head and the inscription, Yale, '91 S. S. S., engraved upon it.

The Amherst senate is considering the advisability of appointing a graduate committee on baseball. They have sent to the CRIMSON for information concerning the methods now in vogue at Harvard.

The N. A. A. A. will give a souvenir amateur athletic meeting at Madison Square Garden, New York, March 2. The prizes will be diamond rings to first, diamond scarf pins to second, and handsome gold medals for third. There will be a gold watch souvenir for every starter. The programme is as follows: 75 yards run, handicap; 250 yards run, handicap; 440 yards run, handicap; 2 mile run, handicap; 1 mile walk, handicap; tug-of-war, scratch, 650 pounds limit; 3-4 mile novice walk, scratch; 1-4 mile novice run, scratch; 1 1-2 mile bicycle race, handicap. Entries will be received from all amateurs. An entrance fee of 50 cents must accompany each entry. Entries close with secretary N. A. A. A. A., Box 3478, New York City, Feb. 20.
