The handicap meeting of the National Association of Amateur Athletes of America will take place in Madison Square Garden, New York, next Saturday. It will be the largest athletic meeting ever held, as the entries already number over seven hundred. The list includes some of the most famous athletes of England, Ireland, Canada, and the United States, and it will be strange if several records are not-lowered. Among the men who will endeavor to break records are Westing, M. A. C., champion one hundred yards runner of the world, who will attempt to lower the present record for seventy-five yards; Copeland, M. A. C., who will try to break the record for the 250 yards hurdle race; and Donahue, the champion ice skater of the world, who will endeavor to beat the best time for one mile on roller skates.
The winner in each event will receive a diamond ring, the second man will get a diamond scarf pin, and the third prize is a gold medal. In addition, every competitor will receive a gold watch charm as a souvenir of the occasion.
The number of entries in each event is as follows: 75 yards run, 121; 250 yards run, 77; 440 yards run, 67; 880 yards run, 81; 250 yards hurdle race, 29; two-mile run, 61; one-mile walk, 43; 11/2 mile bicycle race, 50; 3/4 mile walk, 65; 1-4 mile run, 87; and tug-of-war, 9 teams. Total number, 717.
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