
The Atlantic Monthly for March.

The Atlantic Monthly for March is fully up to the standard of the recent numbers in the variety and interest of its articles. The serials, "Passe Rose," by A. S. Hardy, and "The Tragic Muse," by Henry James, fully sustain the interest of their first chapters. American history occupies a large share of the number. John Fiske contributes a paper on "Ticonderoga, Bennington and Oriskany," and Frank G. Cook, one on "Some Colonial Lawyers and their Work." Treating in more recent events is an article entitled "Personal Reminisences of William H. Seward," by his private secretary, Samuel J. Barrows, and his wife, Isabel C. Barrows. The article consists of a number of reminiscences told of a very interesting manner. Light fiction is represented by Elizabeth Bellamy with the first part of a Negro story called "Hannah Callmis Jin." There are also two thoughtful essays, the first on "Simplicity," by Charles Dudley Warner, and the second, on "The Isthmus Canal and our Government," by Stuart F. Weld.
