CANDIDATES for the freshman nine will not meet today (Thursday), but on Saturday at 2 o'clock instead.
HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal to-day at 1.30 p. m. Please be prompt.
W. F. GAY, Sec.THE person who took the wrong hat from Memorial last Sunday evening will oblige by leaving it with the head waiter.
THE Y. M. C. A. will meet this evening in Lawrence Hall at 6.30 o'clock. All members of the university are cordially invited.
THE seniors who have not yet had their class pictures taken will please do so at once, as they are delaying the work. Every picture must be taken by April 1.
PHOTO COM.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- All those wishing to take part in the theatricals of this society will please send their names, as soon as possible, to Henry F. Strout, 11 Holyoke House.
THERE will be a meeting of the Exeter men in college to adopt a Constitution for the Harvard-Exeter Club in Sever 5, Thursday evening, February 28th, 1889, at 7.30 o'clock.
THORNTON WOODBURY. for the Committee.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Dinner at Parker's, Friday, March 1. All men taken in since December 6, 1888, must be present. All members should be present. All who are to be present will please give their names to the steward today.
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