
Fact and Rumor.

The last Harvard assembly takes place tonight in Pierce Hall.

J. H. Roades and J. H. Hunt have been elected stewards of the H. A. A. from '92.

The class of '92 M. I. T., held their first dinner at the Parker House last Monday night, about seventy members being present. Mr. Waterman read a poem, and speeches were made by President Kales and several others.

Watrous, of the Yale Law School, is in training for anchor on the Yale University tug-of-war team.

Cornell etiquette requires that no lady recognize a gentleman acquaintance on the university grounds.


I. McD. Garfield has been elected captain of the Halcyon boat club, at St. Paul's, vice A. B. Strange resigned.

The senior class at Technology has given up the senior ball. The decision is commended editorially by the Tech.

Receptions are given at Cornell by the professors of the various departments to the students in their courses.

The tug-of-war contest between University of Pennsylvania and Princeton at the University of Pennsylvania A. A. meeting was won by Princeton.

Through the generosity of Dr. Alvan Talcott, of Guilford, Yale University has just been given the sum of $25,000, which the donor stipulates shall be used to endow a professorship of Greek.

The New Jersey Athletic Club ball team have arranged to play Princeton at Bergen Point, April 13, and Yale, April 30. Games are also being arranged with Harvard, Williams and Columbia.

At a meeting of the Mandolin Club Wednesday evening, it was voted to separate the offices of secretary and treasurer, both of which are now held by Mr. Beecher, and Mr. Coombs was elected treasurer. Mr. P. K. Wood, '92, was elected a regular member, and it was decided to hold a dinner in May.

The Yale University Glee Club has announce the formation of a second club and has resolved to debar all members of the Apollo Club unless they leave the latter before March. This will result in the disbandment of the Apollo Club, which has given a number of successful concerts during the past winter.

The following Harvard men have entered for the M. I. T. athletic meeting on March 2: Lee, '91, Bell, '91, Leavitt, '89, running high jump; Curtis, '90, standing high jump; Stickney, L. S., and M. M. Smith, putting the shot; Pearson, L. S., Green, '92, fence vault; Rublee, '90, high kick; Marquand, '89, Bangs, '91, and Curtis, '90, sparring.
