Ready in the men's furnishing's department:
A new supply of sweaters, Jerseys, knee tights and hose. Also an assortment of travelling bags.
Kid gloves cleaned promptly and satisfactorily.
See the new rubber bath towel.
Orders taken for cheviot and flannel shirts. A good assortment of samples is now ready to select from.
Ready in the book department:
Tolstor's "Anna Karenina."
Nichol's "Tables of European History."
Church's "Spencer."
Curtis's "History of Greece."
Exercises in Solid Geometry.
A special bargain is offered on the following list of Chandos Classics at 60 cents a volume:
"Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott."
"Evelyn's "Diary and Memoirs."
Scott's "Lives of the Novelists and Dramatists."
Beauties of German Literature.
Roscoe's "The German Novelists."
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