The athletic outlook at Columbia is good. The candidates for the various teams are in strict training, and great hopes are entertained that the representatives of the blue and white will make a fine record during the coming season.
The 'varsity and freshman crew men have been hard at work since the close of the Christmas vacation. There are thirteen promising candidates for the 'varsity crew. Harris, Richards, and Warren, who sat in the '87 'varsity boat, are in the law school, but will not row this year. Most of the candidates have been members of freshman crews which have been successful against our own freshman crews in recent years.
For the freshman boat there are twenty-one candidates; the material is better than it has been for several years, but it is too early to say anything definite concerning the composition of the crew. The challenge received from the Harvard freshmen has been accepted, and the race will be rowed as usual at New London. The 'varsity crew will not row the Harvard 'varsity crew this year, but will enter a triangular three-mile race with Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. W. G. Peet will again coach the crews. It is interesting to note that during his connection with college as oarsman and coach, Columbia has each year won either a freshman or 'varsity race from Harvard.
The candidates for the Mott Haven team will begin work about March 1 on the grounds of the Manhattan Athletic Club. Many of them are already in training on their own account, and expect to enter the games of the N. A. A. A. A., March 2; Yale games in the middle of March, and the Harvard games, March 30. Columbia has great hopes of winning the cup this year. The events which they expect to take and the men they are depending upon are the tug-of-war team; H. Mapes, '92, in one if not both hurdles; Banks, '89, in the quarter-mile; V. Mapes, '91, in the broad jump; Vosburgh, '90, and Hornbostel, '90, in the mile run; Strong, '89, in the half-mile run, and McGuire, '89, in the bicycle race.
There are promising men for the other events also, but none who are likely to be successful against the representatives of Yale and Harvard this year.
In base-ball the prospect is dubious, and Columbia will not enter any league this year.
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