

CHESS AND WHIST CLUB.- Meeting this evening at 7.39.

HORACE A. DAVIS, Secretary.REV. REUBEN KIDNER will talk to the St. Paul's Society at 7 o'clock this evening.

C. G. PAGE., Secretary.THE person who took the wrong hat from Memorial last Sunday evening will oblige by leaving it with the head waiter.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- The new members will please be at Mr. Atkinson's room, 9 Holyoke House, at 1.30 today. Bring all music.

G. C. BULLARD.THERE will be a meeting of the Exeter men in college to adopt a Constitution for the Harvard-Exeter Club in Sever 5, Thursday evening, February 28th, 1889, at 7.30 o'clock.


THORNTON WOODBURY. for the Committee.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- All those wishing to take part in the theatricals of this society will please send their names, as soon as possible, to Henry F. Strout, 11 Holyoke House.
