We wish to call attention to the article from the New York Post on the first page of today's issue. In view of the recommendations of the Overseers and the discussion they have aroused, it will prove interesting.
We most certainly agree with the stand that is there taken. However desirable these recommendations may be, it is surely to be regretted that the faculty have no voice in proposing or rejecting them. The faculty, from their close relationship with the students, their intimate knowledge of student-work and student-life should, we think, be competent to regulate and control college government. The statement in regard to "low esteem" for the professors and faculty is somewhat sweeping, although possessing a kernel of truth. It is very much to be regretted that several professors in the last few weeks have been constrained to tell the students with whom they came in contact that the overseers could force the faculty into accepting the recent recommendations.
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