There was a cut in Philosophy 13 yesterday.
The St. Paul's crews began training January 28.
C. R. L. Putnam, '91, is ill with rheumatic fever.
There will be a meeting of the Conference Francaise tonight.
Mr. H. M. Landon, '92, has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON.
Washington's birthday was a holiday at the Mass. Institute of Technology.
The Technology Glee Club has arranged a series of concerts for March.
There are over seven hundred entries for the N. A. A. A. A. games, which take place in Madison Square Garden next Saturday.
The candidates for the Technology freshman ball nine have commenced practice.
There are two hundred and ninety-five students in St. Paul's School this year.
The combined libraries of forty-eight American colleges number 2,055,976 volumes.
The Fencing Club has had trouble with Sig. Castroni, the former fencing instructor at the gymnasium. He accuses the club of not making good their agreements.
One hundred and forty-two Amherst alumni have signed a petition asking for a base-ball advisory committee. The Amherst senate has the matter under consideration.
The Wesleyan faculty have discovered nine members of the freshman class who took part in the bomb-throwing celebration of Washington's birthday.
The Boston Athletic Club has admitted one hundred new members, thereby increasing its membership to 1500. This is the limit, and no more applicants can be admitted without a special vote of the club.
The seventh annual dinner of the Roxbury Latin School Association will be held at Young's Hotel, Boston, Wednesday, February 27, at 7 p. m. President Eliot, of Harvard University, Rev. T. C. Williams, of New York, and John C. Ropes, of the Boston bar, will be guests of the Association.
Two new secret societies are soon to be started at Yale. One, a secret society, will take its members from all departments; the other will be a local academic society, confined to the junior class and competing with Psi Upsilon and Delta Kappa Epsilon, which have recently limited their membership to twenty men.
A mass meeting of Columbia students held recently, adopted resolutions favoring the appointment of an alumni advisory committee to act with the athletic organization. This committee will be appointed at the next business meeting of the alumni, and will doubtless greatly increase the interest of the graduates in the college games.
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'Varsity Baseball.