
Vesper Service.

Dr. Brooks had charge of the vesper service last evening. The service was opened with the anthem "Let all those Rejoice," from the oratorio of "Abraham" by Molique. After the responsive service, the soloist of the evening, Mr. C. F. Webber, of Boston, sang Mendelssohn's "Then shall the Righteous." Dr. Brooks read a portion of the fifth chapter of John, and selected as the text for his remarks Christ's question to the impotent man: "Wilt thou be made whole?" He emphasized the fact that there is a spiritual side to every man's nature; that it is not a special gift but is inherent in every character. Christ comes to man not to bestow upon him some new force, but to develop this force which already existed dormant within him. The question is will we be thus made whole-have our manhood rounded out? Will we yield ourselves to God and allow the divine will, which alone knows what our completed character should be, to work itself out in us? The anthem at the close of the service was the "Crucifix" of Faure, for male voices only.
