William H. Wheeler has published a very interesting and full account of the recent meeting of the Harvard Republican Club at Tremont Temple. The report contains a list of the officers of the club and the speeches of the gentlemen who addressed the meeting. After the address of the president, W. C. Boyden, follow the speeches of Rev. E. E. Hale, Judge E. Rockwood Hoar, Hon. George D. Robinson, Col. N. P. Hallowell, Hon. George F. Hoar, Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Hon. John D. Long and E. J. Rich. In addition, letters sent by John G. Whittier and Hon. Theodore Roosevelt are given in full, together with the report of the overflow meeting held in the Meionaon. The book as a whole is very interesting and sure to find favor with all who took an interest in the Republican movement last fall.
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