Mr. Papanti, of Boston, is now engaged on a work which, when finished, will be of interest to every Harvard man. It is a souvenir in the form of a collection of pictures of the various buildings of the University. The pictures will be arranged on one large sheet, twenty-four by thirty-two inches. In the middle will be a view of the college yard, surrounded by a border made up of the medals and seals of the different societies. Grouped about this centre will be pictures of all the buildings connected in any way with the University. Below the view of the yard will be a picture of President Eliot. The collection of photographs and drawings which are to be engraved has been carefully made and has taken several months. The work is very artistic, and the finished picture will be a valuable memento of Harvard. Mr. Papanti has already completed several works of this sort, which have had a large sale, but the present undertaking is by far the most elaborate he has attempted.
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