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Before the mid-year examinations the question of forming an Exeter Club among the graduates of that school now members of Harvard was advocated in the CRIMSON. In accordance with this suggestion a member of the class of Eighty-nine has taken the initiative and has called a meeting of the Exeter men in college at his room this evening to take the necessary steps towards organizing a club.

The facts of the case are well known; that Exeter has been in the past almost entirely a preparatory school for Harvard, but within the past few years an increasing number of men have gone to Yale. This may be due to our nonsuccess in athletics, to a false notion of Harvard methods, or to the energetic efforts of the Exeter Club at Yale. However desirable such a club at Harvard might have been in the past, it now an absolute necessity. That it can do good work and exert strong influence, no one can deny. There are at present ninety Exeter men in the University and we urge every one of them to answer to the call for this evening; the larger the number of men the greater the enthusiasm and zeal. To such a club, whose aim is to put the influence of Harvard on its old footing at Exeter, we give our heartiest support and encouragement,
