The last Harper's Weekly contains an article on Yale.
An effort is being made at Trinity to have a crew this spring.
The annual dinner of the Columbia freshmen will take place tomorrow.
The next rehearsal of the Freshman Glee Club will be at noon on Saturday.
The annual Princeton junior promenade and midwinter concert of the Glee Club took place last Friday. A large number from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore were present.
The nineteenth anniversary of the opening of the New York City Normal College was celebrated Thursday.
At present only four men have signified their intention of entering the "bantam" weight sparring at the winter meeting.
The long-distance men training for the Yale Mott Haven team now run about five miles in the Armory every afternoon, besides taking a short outside run.
Seventy-five students of various colleges in New York city listened to addresses by Stagg, Wells and Corbin of Yale on religious subjects, at the Metropolitan Opera House last Sunday evening.
Attention is called to the notice in another column that Mr. Warren will speak in Holden Chapel this evening. He is an intensely interesting man, and we urge all who can do so to take this opportunity of hearing him.
Mr. Lathrop will have a class in wrestling every day between 3 and 4 p. m. All those intending to join the class will please begin at once, as Mr. Lathrop does not wish to go through the rudiments for more than the first few days.
The Glee and Banjo Clubs will give a concert in Eliot Hall, Newton, this evening at 7 45. Special cars will leave Harvard Square for Eliot Hall and return immediately after the concert for the accommodation of all who desire to attend.
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Symphony Concert.