
Columbia Foot-Ball Association.

Last week a number of students at Columbia met to organize a foot-ball association. The following officers were elected: J. M. Hewlett, '90, president; M. T. Bogert, '90, vice-president; H. A. Gildersleeve, '90, secretary; R. Palmer, '91, treasurer. Directors-School of Arts: H. M. Banks, '89; A. S. Vosburg, '90; J. W. Walker, '91; E. M. Post, '92; School of Mines: H. C. Pelton, '89; S. R. Bradley,'90; W. R. Robertson, '91; J. S. Langthorne, '92; School of Law: P. E. Lamarche; Medical School: D. Ewell. The intention of the organization is to raise about one thousand dollars and to put a team into training quarters about the middle of September, about three weeks before college opens. Before adjourning the association passed a motion favoring the appointment by the Alumni Association of an advisory committee on athletics.
