Princeton is making great preparations for the coming athletic season, and hopes to make a good showing in all branches. Heretofore the only championship which has been held by Princeton has been that in lacrosse, but this year, owing to the addition of several men valuable in track athletics, the college will be represented by a strong team at the Mott Haven games.
Dohm, '90, champion quarter-mile man of Ireland and America, will be entered at Mott Haven, and besides his regular distance will probably run in the 100-yards dash and in the 220. Janeway, '90, right guard on the foot-ball team, will throw the hammer. Ames, '90, Thompson, '91, and Roddy, '91, will also probably run at the games.
Much attention is being paid to lacrosse and Princeton hopes to hold the championship which was won last year from Harvard.
Base-ball is also being watched, and at present there are fourteen candidates for positions on the team. King, '89, will captain the nine and pitch, but the make-up of rest of the team is very uncertain. Ames, '90, however, is almost sure to play second base and change pitcher. The following is the list of other candidates: Brownlee, '89, Brokaw, '92, Brown, '92, Dana, '91, Lilly, '92, Mowry, '91, Watts, '91, Hanson, '92, Durell, '89, Payne, '91, Knickerbocker, '91, McMillan, '91.
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