
Meeting of Graduates of Other Colleges.

In response to the notice calling a meeting of all those men now at Harvard who have previously attended some other college, about fifty men assembled in Sever Hall, Saturday afternoon. Mr. F. B. Vrooman was chosen chairman and Mr. E. B. Delabarre, secretary. Mr. Delabarre then stated the object of the movement, saying that the main purpose was to correct wrong impressions of Harvard at the colleges and to testify to the success of the present system.

This was followed by a lively general discussion. It was finally resolved to appoint a general committee of ten, to represent as many different colleges. This committee will prepare a set of questions bearing on the subject which will be sent to every man who has come here from any other college, whether a graduate or not. From the answers to these questions a series of resolutions will be drawn up, and submitted for approval at a later meeting. A committee of three on nominations was appointed, which reported the following names: W. H. Carruth, C. W. Colby, J. B. Chittenden, E. B. Dahlgren, E. B. Delabarre, W. C. Kitchin, A. A. Morris, T. B. Nields, W. H. Siebert, F. B. Vrooman. The nominations were confirmed and the meeting adjourned.

The meeting was marked by great enthusiasm and unanimity. Such a spirited beginning is ample assurance that the movement will be successfully carried out.
