
Medical School Notes.

The third course in dissection for first year students is at present in progress. This will probably be the last of the dissecting for this year, although a fourth course is sometimes given.

The elective system has caused a break in the old time custom of examination at the end of the year only. This year several examinations were held at the end of the first term; but as the electives are open to the men of the upper classes only, the mid-years had but little effect upon the school as a whole.

At the recent examinations for the positions of surgical house officers at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Mr. Mumford, H. U., '85, H. M. S., '88, and Mr. Eliott, H. M. S., '88, were the successful candidates.

W. E. Paul, H. U., '83, H. M. S., '87, has taken up his abode permanently in Southbridge, Mass.

The clinical visits at the Boston City Hospital for the second and third classes are being conducted by Drs. Blake and Doe.


The new building of the Boston Athletic Club is directly behind and adjoining the Medical School. Many men who were prominent in athletics while in college have joined the club.

A series of Physiological Conferences are held on Monday mornings at 11, by the first class, Professor Bowditch presiding. Members of the class prepare and read original essays upon physiological subjects, and the reading is followed by a general discussion. Thus far essays have been contributed by Messrs. Balch, Pease, Porter and Harwood.
