
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a recitation in N. H. 4 on Monday.

There will be no concert by the Boston Symphony Orchestra to-night.

The university crew rows in the tank every day at 4.15; on Saturdays at 3.15.

Rev. Alexander McKenzie D. D., will preach tomorrow evening in Appleton Chapel.

Columbia students held a meeting yesterday to organize for a foot-ball team.


The Yale crew is being coached by members of last year's crew whenever Bob Cook cannot be present.

At a meeting of the Yale freshman class Wednesday evening, Tucker, Hollister and Graves were elected permanent class deacons.

General Armstrong of the U. S. School for Indians is to give a course of lectures at Yale on the "Education of the colored and Indian races."

There is a strong effort being made at Exeter to abolish the tug-of-war contests in the winter meeting, on account of the dangers of physical injury.

Entries for the whist tournament close at 8 o'clock this evening. Play will begin at the rooms of the Chess and Whist Club on Monday evening.

The St. Paul's School cricket eleven expects to make a tour of England next summer, playing the principal school and college elevens.- Yale News.

The first match of the Shooting Club this year was held at Watertown yesterday afternoon. McKay and Quinlan did the best work, each scoring twelve points.

Mr. George Kennan lectured on Siberia in College Hall, at Amherst, Thursday evening. After the lecture Mr. Kennan was given a reception by the Amherst faculty.

The classes in Mechanical Engineering at Cornell have arranged for a tour of inspection of the principal engineering works of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The tour will occupy nine days.

The Oxford and Cambridge cricket match will take place this year at Lord's on July 1, 2 and 3. The captains for this year are Mr. F. G. J. Ford, King's college, Cambridge; and Mr. H. Philipson, New College, Oxford.

The University Glee Club at Yale objects to the manner in which the Apollo Glee Club, a secondary organization, is conducting its affairs, claiming that the Apollo Club is encroaching upon the rights which it has been customary for the university club to have.

The candidates for the Yale nine have been training since the term opened in batting and starting and sliding bases. Next week they will go into strict training, doing a little gymnasium work, having regular short distance runs and continuing the work in the cage.

The Robert Treat Paine fellowship under which Mr. Edward Cummings, '83, is at present studying social problems abroad, is likely within a short time to result in the location by Mr. Cummings of a work in Boston which shall be directly connected with Harvard University and which shall do for the more degraded parts of Boston what Toynbee Hall, as the representative of Oxford University, has done for the slums of East London.
