
St. Paul's Society.

The regular semi-annual meeting of the St. Paul's Society was held last evening in the room, 17 Grays. Thirty members were present.

After some minor business and the election of new members, the report of the president and secretary were read and accepted.

In behalf of the committee having the matter in charge, and who were appointed last April, the president presented the new pamphlet of the Society containing a preface, historical sketch, the revised constitution, the names of honorary members and the past presidents and secretaries.

The election of officers for the ensuing half-year resulted as follows: president, E. Sturgis, '90; vice-president, G. Rublee, '90; secretary, C. G. Page, '90; treasurer, T. W. Balch, '90; librarian, A. V. Woodworth, '91.

The selection of a chorister was left as usual to the president. A vote of thanks was extended to the committee having charge of the new pamphlet, and to the retiring officers. A gavel suitably inscribed was presented to the retiring president. Notice was given of the mission which is being conducted at St. Andrews Church, Boston, to which a cordial invitation is extended.

