TOO few men signed the book to make it worth while to hire a barge to go to Brookline tonight.
ALL members of the Institute of 1770 from '91 who desire to obtain their shingles may get them either today or tomorrow at 59 Brattle street.
S. V. R. CROSBY, Secretary.A barge will go to Union Hall tomorrow night unless there is a heavy snow before that time. Those who wish to go will please sign the book at Leavitt and Pierce's as soon as possible.
All those interested, as graduates, or at any time members of Phillips Exeter Academy, will please meet in my room, 9 Linden street, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, at 7.30 o'clock.
THORNTON WOODBURY.ALL students of the University, graduate and undergraduate, who have previously been students at other colleges, will please meet for the transaction of important business at Sever 11, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
HARVARD GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- As the club has been invited to play as an overture to an entertainment on Friday evening between 7 and 7.30, a short rehearsal will be held daily this week at 1.130. All must be on hand promptly that the rehearsal may end at 2. Per order.
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