A winter meeting of the Athletic Association of Princeton will be held on Washington's Birthday. It has been decided to give gold and silver medals as first and second prizes in all the events except the tug-of-war, in which there will be only a first prize. The events will be as follows:
Feather-weight wrestling (under 118 pounds); light-weight wrestling, 118-140 pounds); middle-weight wrestling (140-158 pounds); heavy-weight wrestling (over 158 pounds); spring board jump, running high jump, putting 16 pound shot, tug-of-war.
Terms have been offered to the Gymnastic Association, and in case they are accepted a gymnastic exhibition will be a feature of the games on the 22nd.
It is expected that the meeting will be very interesting.
At a meeting of the officers of the Athletic Association it was resolved that Princeton's vote at the meeting of the Intercollegiate Association be cast for withdrawal from the National Association of Amateur Athletes until the differences existing at present between it and the Amateur Union shall be settled.
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