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We regret very much that we are not allowed to published a detailed report of Mr. Walcott's liberal, candid, and straightforward explanation of the reasons of the Board of Overseers in making the recent recommendations. The students owe him a debt of gratitude for the way in which he made plain that in almost every respect the votes of the Overseers are not hostile to the broadest, highest, and most progressive aim of Harvard, but that they will serve to establish on a firmer basis the present policy of college government.

The students have been in great ignorance in regard to the meaning of the recommendations, and every one who heard Mr. Walcott last evening, although many cannot conscientiously agree with the vote in regard to reporting in the morning, must feel grateful for the clear and kindly explanation which cannot fail to remove in a great measure the objections of undergradates to the policy of the Overseers.
