
Meeting of Graduates of Other Colleges.

A movement has been started among those men who have come to Harvard from other colleges, with the object of counteracting the wrong impressions of Harvard life and methods which have been wide spread recently.

There are now in the undergraduate department of the college, 71 men who have previously attended or graduated from other colleges, and in the post graduate department, about forty. It is believed that united action by the men will be of great value. These men represent nearly every college of importance in the country and through them the whole college world may be reached. Just complaint has been made by the defenders of Harvard methods that the attacks upon her system are based in many instances, and especially in the college press, upon a misrepresentation or misunderstanding of the real state of things. It is to correct these mistakes that the present movement has been started. A meeting of all the men interested in this work has been called for Saturday. It is hoped that all will attend in order that a good impetus may be given. It is proposed to appoint a committee to draw up resolutions and make plans for effective work. The movement is in the hands of E. B. Delabarre, J. G. Hume, J. M. Pierce and L. F. Snow.
