
Fact and Rumor.

Stagg is coaching the Yale freshmen in base sliding.

There will be no laboratory work in Physics B today.

There will be a lecture in N. H. 4a today at 12 o'clock.

The Exonian is urging the formation of a chess club at Exeter.

There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board today at 1.30.


The whole class in N. H. 1 will meet for a lecture this morning at 9 o'clock.

Harvard will play the Boston base ball club on the South End grounds, April 5.

The Princeton freshman nine have elected Silley captain for the coming season.

Dr. McCosh's new book is in press with the title, "First and Fundamental Truths; a Treatise on Metaphysics."

Professor Putnam, who was to have addressed the Tufts College Club at its dinner at the Revere House, Friday night, was unable to do so on account of illness.

All taking Pol. Econ. 1, whether in division A or B, will meet, for the fortnight beginning Monday, February 11, in Lower Massachusetts at nine o'clock occupying the seats assigned before the mid-years.

An exchange suggests that it would be very appropriate to call the new section of the Museum which is intended for botanical collections and laboratories after Professor Gray, "The Gray Museum."

Ames, '90, captain Princeton football eleven, and Janeway, '90, who played on this year's eleven, were in Cambridge Thursday. They had been visiting the New England fitting schools and stopped here on their way home.

Professor Daniel C. Eaton of Yale University has presented to the Connecticut Legislature strong objections to the granting of a charter to a newly organized company in New Haven for the running of street cars by electricity conducted through overhead wires.

Hugh H. Baxter, of the New York Athletic Club, beat all previous records in pole-vaulting last Friday, having vaulted 11 ft. 3 in. The best previous record, also made by Baxter, was 10 ft. 9 in. Sherman, of Yale, won second prize with an actual vault of 10 ft. 5 1-2 in.

Recitations in Greek B and C will be omitted on Monday and Wednesday, Feb. 11 and 13. On these days Professor Wright will give public lectures on Homer in Sever 11 at 3 p. m., and members of the above courses are expected to attend. Subjects: 1-"Homer in Greek life and thought;" 2-"The study of Homer."

The committee in charge of the Republican mass meeting at Tremont Temple, at the request of a number of prominent graduates, have prepared a pamphlet containing a full account of of the meeting a list of the officers and reports of all the speeches. Copies can be obtained of the chairman, Mr. G. P. Furber at 54 Thayer. The price will be fifteen cents to defray the cost of publication.
