
Special Notices.

TUTORING in Criminal Law, Thayer's Notes, Chaplin's Notes. Examination papers for six years discussed.

L. P. HOWLAND, 2nd year Law, 27 Irving Street.95 6t

FINE ARTS III.- Complete notes in Fine Arts 3 now ready, 94 pages, Number of copies limited.

H. F. BROWN, 12 Stoughton.96-9t

GERMAN A.- Tutoring in this course; also in Greek and Latin.


CLIFFORD H. MOORE, '89, 10 Stoughton.94 6t

HISTORY 1, 11, 12, 15, Fine Arts 3, Political Economy 4, Philosophy 11. Tutoring.

W. W. NOLEN, 6 Little's Block.77 tf
