A well-attended meeting of the freshman class was held yesterday afternoon in Lower Massachusetts. Mr. Smith, the manager of the eleven, stated that there were $373 surplus, which he wished to put in the hands of the class. The principal topic of discussion was in regard to the disposal of this surplus. It seemed to be the opinion of the whole class that some sort of trophies should be given to the eleven, but it was difficult to reach a decision of how much should be set aside for the purpose. After various motions had been made and defeated, the class voted to set aside "one hundred dollars to be expended in buying trophies for those members of the team who played in the Yale game and for the manager, and that the balance of the surplus be turned over to the management of the freshman crew, to be used in defraying the expenses of the crew, provided it should row a race with some collegiate crew." The class did well to include the manager among those to receive trophies, for it is largely due to his management that the class is burdened with the disposal of so large a surplus. The amount set aside, however, seems rather small when it is recollected that trophies are to be bought for fifteen men.
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