
Clermont Livingston de Peyster.

Clermont Livingston de Peyster, a former member of the class of '89, died on Monday evening, December 2, at the residence of his uncle in Philadelphia. He entered as a regular member of '89, but in his sophomore year left college and went abroad to study. Later he returned home and was attacked by consumption which was the cause of his death. Although he was in college so short a time, many of his classmates will remember him with feelings of sincere affection and his death will be a sad blow to them. The following resolutions have been adopted by the Class committee of '89.

We, as representatives of the class of 1889, Harvard college, wish to give public expression to the sincere sorrow which the death of Clermont L. de Peyster has caused among his classmates.

The high respect and regard in which his class held him has made them feel deeply the break caused in their numbers by his death.

We wish to express the sincere sympathy of the class for his bereaved family in their affliction.

F. E. PARKER, H. H. DARLING, J. G. KING.- Class Com.


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