DECEMBER 8. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Rev. Professor George Harris, of Andover. (The front pews will be reserved for members of the University until 7.30).
Week-day morning prayers at 8.45 a. m. No seats are assigned, either for officers or classes.
Rev. Phillips Brooks, D. D., will conduct prayers from November 22, to December 14.
The preacher conducting morning prayers may be found at Wadsworth House 1 every week-day during his term of service.
Dr. Brooks may be found at Wadsworth house 1, every week-day from 9 till 12 m.
10. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 4 p. m.
11. WEDNESDAY.Divinity School Chapel. Conference. 4.15 p. m.
Epidauros and the Worship of Asklepios (illustrated). Dr. Tarbell. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 7.30 p. m.
The public are invited.
12. THURSDAY.German Literature. Goethe and Schiller. Assist. Professor Bartlett. Sever 11, 2 p. m.
English 6. Oral debate. University 2, 3 p. m.
Question: "Resolved, That the woolen industries of New England can not flourish permanently unless the duties upon raw wool are removed."
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