

SIGNET.- Meeting at 8 this evening. Initiation of third seven from '91.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Important rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.

SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Principals and chorus at 1.30 sharp. Principals at 4.

COMMITTEE.Seniors are requested to make appointments for sittings at Pach's studio, at their earliest opportunity, as Mr. Tupper is ready to begin the work immediately.

PHOTO. COM.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the Harvard Shooting club at Watertown, this afternoon (weather permitting). The Founders cup will be shot for. Take 1.30 car.


HARVARD ASSEMBLIES.- Those men who have received invitations to the Harvard assemblies and who wish to subscribe can leave subscriptions and get tickets at Thurston's.

A. AMORY, Jr.TOBOGGAN CLUB.- A blue book has been placed at Leavitt and Pierce's for the signatures of those who wish to have a toboggan slide on the college grounds this winter. Men are urged to sign promptly. The book will be removed Friday, December 16.
