
Dinner to the Foot Ball Eleven.

Lost evening the complimentary dinner to the foot ball team by the graduates and undergraduates of Harvard was held at the Parker house. Plates were set for about two hundred and fifty, but this was not enough, as several extra seats had to be placed to accommodate the large crowd. It was a few minutes before eight that the dinning room was opened when the men entered and awaited the appearance of the eleven which Mr. C. M. Thayer, '89, ushered in amidst a tremendous greeting by series of cheers. About half-past nine Mr. Dexter, '90, who presided at the dinner arose and briefly introduced Mr. Rand '88, as toastmaster of the occasion. Mr. Rand made a few remarks on the work of the eleven, praising in high terms the pluck and skill of the team but especially of the untiring efforts of their captain. Mr. Cumnock responded in a brief expression of thanks for the support he had received in his work and looked forward to success next year. Mr. Rand then introduced the Hon. William E. Russell '77. Mr. Russell expressed his pleasure at having an opportunity to be present at a social gathering of Harvard students who have not lost the old spirit of frankness and of joviality. Mr. Russell's remarks upon the eleven were very creditable to the men and to the manly and plucky game they played this year. We have met this evening, he said, not to celebrate an eleven that has played a victorious game, but one that has played a manly game and one that every man may be proud of. He said he would rather see Harvard successful in rowing or on the field than in intellectual labor, better to show four miles of rudder to the New Haven crew than to earn summa cums, and better by far to raise the play away above the orange and black. From the work of the eleven this year we may truly hope for success in another year under Captain Cumnock's management.

After "Schneider's Band" by the Glee club and three cheers for Holden, Leeds, and Adams, the toastmaster introduced Mr. Garrison. He urged that all men should give up their personal comfort to try for the teams, train, or at least applaud on the field. "Imogene Donahue" was followed by a short speech from Dr. F. M. Weld, '60. He said that he understood Harvard's recent action to mean that she is unwilling to trust her teams to a committee composed of outsiders. He had no fears about Harvard's being left alone. Mr. S. E. Winslow, '85, was then introduced. After some witty remarks, he gave his theory for Yale's success that their faculty, graduates, and undergraduates pulled together, while at Harvard they pulled apart. Harvard is in need of experienced and interested men to give advice in athletics. Captains need them to help them manage the teams. They also need the moral support of the college, and this is what the dinner has helped to give more than any event for many years. With more cheering and "Fair Harvard" by the Glee club, the dinner was brought to a successful close.
