
A Harvard Graduate's Proposition to Yale.

The following letter was published in the Yale News of Tuesday last:

BOSTON, NOV. 30, 1889.

Editor of Yale News:

DEAR SIR.- A majority of your college, as well as a good proportion of Harvard, seem to be opposed to a dual league, as matters now stand. But will not all be in favor of proposing to Princeton a close triple league, and accompanying this proposition with the definite threat of a dual league in case they decline. And of course Princeton would not decline. For they are especially sensitive about being classed among secondary colleges.

I saw the Thanksgiving Day game and I am sure that if your had Bull the score would have been at the worst six to five for Princeton. And if instead of this they had been deprived of Ames, you might have won the game. Ames beat you. Now if the smaller colleges had not been in the association Ames would have been forced to a cross-examination and disqualified (see CRIMSON of this date). He would have been sent after Wagenhurst. So the presence of these smaller colleges in the association proves worse than useless. It is useless, as the scores this year and the playing of substitutes against them indicates, Mere practice games-that is what they were. But their being in the association is worse than useless, it has been harmful. Their votes in Ames' favor lost you the Thanksgiving Day game, and now their votes will prevent this needed reform as to semi-professional graduate players and graduate students "for the foot ball season only."


Why not hold a mass meeting and authorize your committee to withdraw from the present association; and to announce to Princeton that unless they do like wise and form a triple league you will at once form a dual league with Harvard. Then we shall have a triple league and can carry out these, needed reforms. And there will be nothing cowardly or undignified about it.

Princeton is a mighty good sort of a place, and they will go in for the thing once they are forced to. We have all been guilty in the past-Princeton perhaps least of all. I don't blame them so much. They found they had an unusual number of available graduates players, and they did what they think we have all been doing in persuading them to return for the foot ball season. The men are stuck there for the year, now, though!

The initiative must come from Yale. It lies with you whether this reform is put through or not.

