Skinner, L. S., Thompson, Cummin and Lamont will please be at 7 Little's Block at 4 p. m. There will be a meeting of the Andover club at 8 p. m., at 18 Matthews, Wednesday evening, December 4.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal at 4 p. m. Members are expected to attend all the remaining rehearsals before the concert.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- There will be a very important meeting of the Society in Holden Chapel, Tuesday evening, December 3rd., at 7.15 o'clock.
EXEC. COM.Seniors are requested to make appointments for sittings at Pach's studio, at their earliest opportunity, as Mr. Tupper is ready to begin the work immediately.
PHOTO. COM.HARVARD ASSEMBLIES.- Those men who have received invitations to the Harvard assemblies and who wish to subscribe, will find me in my room, (8 Holyoke St.), this afternoon from o'clock until 4.
A. AMORY, JR.The Exeter club will not give a dinner this (Tuesday) evening but will hold its regular meeting as usual in the D. U. rooms at 7.30. Mr. Tufts will be present. A full attendance is desired.
W. C. DOWNS, Secretary.
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