
The Vesper Service.

Rev. F. G. Peabody conducted the vesper service held in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. He read the story of John the Baptist from Luke, and made it the text of his remarks. He said that John is the link between the Old Testament and the New. There is the same message at the close of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New. "I am the culmination of the prophets" He looks at the future, not last, but first; he holds the door open. Every man in his little way stands between the past and the future, the old and the new. In the life here a man has the advantages and collected thought of the past systematized for his use, and in the face of this beneficence he feels humble. His hope that he may deserve this is in his attachment to an unknown future, when men shall see the light and know the truth better because of his life. This is not a time of achievement but of preparation. In this sense the actual Harvard is a promise of the Harvard that is to be.

The choir sang Schubert's Jubilate in B flat, Allen's "In the beginning was the world," and "Spirit of Mercy" by Barnaby.
