Someone interested in Princeton athletics, who does not wish his name to be known, has given a large sum of money for the improvement of the athletic grounds there, and they have accordingly been enlarged to nearly double the size of last year. The hill on the west side of the old field has been taken away and the clay carted to the south side, where it has been used to fill up an old hollow. The hollow corner at the northeast has also been filled in, and space sufficient for three or four new football fields has thus been gained. It will be no longer possible for men from other colleges to watch the Princeton team at practice, for the parts of the grounds where there was formerly no fence have been surrounded by a stone wall on the top of which is built a wooden fence eight feet high. The entire field now measures 570x500 yards. There will be laid out on it two base ball diamonds and one foot ball field. The latter will be enclosed by a new one-third mile track between which and the fence there will be a space of about eighty feet for carriages A grand stand, patterned after the one at Yale, with a seating capacity of 2000, will be erected at the extreme north end of the field. Arrangements have also been made for the building of seats for 2000 more between the grand stand and the club house.
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