
Fact and Rumor.

The Monthly will probably be out tomorrow.

There was a make up examination in History 13 Saturday.

The biennial examinations at Yale begin Tuesday, December 10.

Only about twelve Ninety-three men accompanied the team to New Haven.

The senior class at Princeton will hold its class day elections December 11th.


Rooms 32 and 50 College house, recently renovated, are to let at reduced rates.

Hon. Roswell G. Hoar will lecture at Amherst, December 7, on the labor question.

The sophomore class of Columbia has a debt of over $600 left from the crew last June.

Professor Shaler has an article in the December Chatauquan on "The Work of Underground Water," that treats on some of the ground covered in N. H. 4.

Lehigh University has introduced a course in architecture leading to the degree of B. S. Lacrosse has lately been introduced at Cornell, and is being played with great enthusiasm. Max Winkler, '89, is assistant in English at the University of Kansas in Lawrenceville, Kansas.

The freshmen marched around the yard cheering the team on their return Saturday night.

There will probably be a celebration tonight by the freshmen in honor of Saturday's victory.

All the musical societies at Brown will unite in a joint concert, to be given at Sayles hall, December 11.

Among the holiday books brought out by the Scribners is "Aspects of the Earth," by Professor N. S. Shaler.

W. R. Baird, of New York, is about to publish a new and revised edition of his "American College Fraternities."
