

Y. M. C. A.- Meeting in Lawrence Hall at 6.30 p. m.

LOST.- A Rolfe's edition of Othello. Finder kindly return to Leavitt and Pierce's.

Grays 27, yard side, is to let. Apply at Bursar's office.

H. P. C.- Full rehearsal of chorus and farce today at 1.30. Everyone must be present.

H. P. C.- The Christmas Theatricals of the Hasty Pudding club will begin on Friday, December 20th, at 8.15 p. m. All graduate members are cordially invited.


FRESHMAN CREW.- The following men will please be sure to register Friday morning, January 3, and meet at the gymuasium at 4.15 for a run and walk. Keyes, Wood, Tripp, Vail, Slade, Batchelder, J. G. Cochrane, Jaggar, Doe, Davis, Winslow, Post, Reed, Hathaway, Brice, Robb, Baldwin, Ellsworth, Dexter, Wilder, Howard, Broughton, Burgess, Clarke, Parker, Holland.

