
Wesleyan's Gift.

At the annual dinner of the Wesleyan University club recently held in New York, Judge Reynolds of Brooklyn, president of the board of trustees, announced that Dr. Daniel Avres, of Brooklyn, had paid over to the trustees the sum of $200,000 as an endowment fund for the university. This gentleman has previously shown his kind feeling toward the university by way of considerable sums, including $50,000 to establish a chair of biology. After a vote of thanks had been tendered Mr. Ayres, Bradford P. Raymond, the new president of the university, announced that the trustees had resolved to add $250,000 to the sum already contributed by Dr. Ayres and that $60,000 had been pledged toward that amount.

This is the largest contribution to education that has been made during the college year, which with the sum pledged by the trustees of the college makes one of the most remarkable of recent gifts. Dr. Ayres has shown great wisdom in imposing no restrictions upon the gift which will be disposed of to the greatest good of the university.
