
The College Conference Meeting.

The College Conference meeting was held last night in Sever 11. Professors as well as students from all departments of the university comfortably filled the hall to listen to Professor Everett, of the Divinity school, on "The Relief in immortality." It is not often that the students have an opportunity to hear Professor Everett, but the meeting last evening showed that the committee when it comes, As thoroughly appreciated. In beginning Professor Everett stand his willingness to answer any questions that any in the audience might ask him, after the end of his talk. He first took up the relation of the present age to ward the doctrine of immortality. There is at present a tendency to less faith in this doctrine. This may be accounted for by the fact that there is perhaps less religious faith in the present age than there was in those that are past. But really what seems today less faith in the doctrine of immortality is merely a tendency.

The origin of the belief in immortality is thought to have come from the savage, who from his dreams conceived a continued existence after life. If he saw a friend or an enemy in a dream, he thought he had indeed seen them both; if he went to a place in a dream, he thought he had been to that place.

Notice has been taken of the close relation of mind or soul to body. When the body withers the mind withers. Swoon and sleeping are instances of this. Thought is the product of the brain though not in the sense that bile is the product of the liver. And here he said, "There will be much I say which cannot be demonstrated. However, I do think that thought can be proved as the product of the brain, which is the seat of thought. There are two elements-the manifoldness of the brain, and the unity of consciousness. Consciousness is always a unit. These two elements cannot be connected. How then, can a variety of elements produce unity of effect?" He proceeded to demonstrate this by the examples of the resultant of the action of many billiard balls upon a single one, and by the way a crowd will rush into one mass as if by unity of consciousness.

He then took the case of insanity as showing the connection between soul and body. Insanity is said to be "the soul made irrational, but," said he, "I doubt if it can be shown that the soul is ever irrational. The soul acts within from outside reports." The soul may be separated from the body as in the case of clairvoyants, and it may see independently of the eyes, but any real separation cannot be proved. He went on to say "the more a man's spiritual development is attained, the higher he sees his ideal above him. So with Christ who exclaimed, "Why call eye me good!" Man lives in eternity, and these ideals are never fulfilled in the earthly life. Man is a mortal being, but he is above mortality in that he looks beyond it. Does the belief in immortality degrade the world? History tells us, No! The larger and brighter the belief in immortality, the nobler and better the life on this earth.
