
The Theatres.


Mr. and Mrs. Kendal began the last week of their engagement at the Hollis St. Theatre last evening in "Impulse." The success they scored was as instantaneous as that which rewarded their efforts last week. Mrs. Kendal, always fascinating and refined, imparts her own personality to every role she essays. Her methods are direct, and her strokes are made with a freedom, vigor and intelligence which are delightful. Mr. Kendal plays with much shrewdness, and brings out the comedy situations with a freshness and brightness which are irresistible. These charming actors will be seen this evening and in Wednesday's matinee in "Impulse;" Wednesday evening in the "Weaker Sex;" Thursday evening in "A Scrap of Paper;" Friday evening and Saturday matinee in "A White Lie;" Saturday evening in "The Iron Master."
